You can treat sick trees!
Do you have a trees with fungus, yellow leaves or insect infestions?
We can help a tree avoid the saw blade with a variety of tools including, believe it or not, direct tree injections to fight fungus, insects and more!
Florida: An active and deadly ecosystem
Trees in Florida can be affected by various pests that may compromise their health and lead to issues such as defoliation, dieback, and, in severe cases, tree decline. Some common pests that can infect trees in Florida include:
- Scale Insects:
– Scale insects can infest the leaves, branches, and trunks of trees, feeding on plant sap. They often produce a waxy covering, and severe infestations can lead to yellowing and dieback.
- Aphids:
– Aphids are small insects that feed on tree sap. They can cause distortion of leaves, yellowing, and the development of sticky honeydew, which can attract other pests.
- Spider Mites:
– Spider mites are tiny arachnids that feed on tree foliage, causing stippling, yellowing, and webbing. They are more prevalent in hot and dry conditions.

- Borers (e.g., Asian Longhorned Beetle, Emerald Ash Borer):
– Borers are insects that tunnel into the bark and wood of trees, causing damage to the vascular system. Infestations can lead to tree decline and mortality.
- Citrus Psyllid (Asian Citrus Psyllid):
– The citrus psyllid is a pest that affects citrus trees, transmitting a bacterium that causes citrus greening disease. Infected trees show symptoms such as yellowing, stunted growth, and misshapen fruit.
- Oakworms and Caterpillars:
– Various caterpillar species, such as oakworms, can defoliate trees. They feed on leaves, leading to foliage loss and stress on the tree.
- Leaf Spot Fungi:
– Fungal diseases causing leaf spots can affect the foliage of trees, leading to discoloration, lesions, and premature leaf drop.
- Phytophthora Root Rot:
– Phytophthora is a soil-borne pathogen that can infect the roots of trees, causing root rot. It can lead to wilting, yellowing, and decline in the tree’s overall health.
- Gall Wasps:
– Gall wasps lay eggs in tree tissues, leading to the formation of galls on leaves or stems. While they usually don’t cause severe harm, heavy infestations may affect tree vigor.
- Twig Girdlers:
– Twig girdlers are beetles that girdle small branches, causing them to break off. They are particularly known to affect pecan and other hardwood trees.
Proactive measures such as regular inspection, proper cultural practices, and early pest detection are essential for managing tree pests in Florida. When dealing with severe infestations, professional arborists or pest control services may be consulted to assess and address the specific issues affecting the trees.